For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, that God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.... Eph 2:10
Churning uneasiness, swirling fatigue
Can't see the light of the woods for the trees
Sorrowful aching, so much to learn
Far from the tightrope of balance I yearn
So into the garden I flee to the night
Seeking and searching, longing for light
Knowing that only my Lord has the key
That opens the gate to humility
Kneeling at His feet, in tear stained awe
Blindness removed leaving feelings so raw
Praying for mercy to wash clean my soul
Praying for courage to take up my role
Praying for those He has charged to my care
For wings to grow strong and sweep through the air
To soar with them, urge them to freedom's pure cry
Discovery's journey to sing through their sky.
Praying for Sonrise to dawn in our land
Reaching enlightenment, daring to stand
Echoing praise, reflecting His Light
Drawing our souls, torn free with delight.
Free to explore, free to succeed,
Free to be honest, free to achieve
Living wholeheartedly, joyously free
Reverently, exquisitely, uniquely as me.